traditional London pubs sightseeing

The Best Traditional London Pubs

London is famous for its traditional London pubs many of them dating back hundreds of years and still retaining original features. Londopia has compiled a list of some of its favourite London boozers.

The Ship Tavern, Holborn

A mahogany-panelled 16th century pub with traditional real-ale bar and upstairs dining room.

Address: 12 Gate St, London WC2A 3HP


The George Inn, Southwark

Built in 1676 The George Inn is London’s only surviving galleried pub (or coaching inn as they were known back in the 17th century).

traditional London pub

Address: 75 Borough High St, London SE1 1NH

The Viaduct Tavern, City

A beautiful former Gin Palace, The Viaduct Tavern is located in the City of London, near to St Pauls, on the site of a former debtors prison (Newgate Prison), and still has five original cells visible in the basement.

Address: 126 Newgate St, London EC1A 7AA






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